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Greek Like Me

A podcast about all things Greek. History. Language. Lore. Culture. Food. Mythology. Family and more. From diners to the Ottoman Empire, from the history of baklava to Greek Independence. What it means to be Greek and how it shapes our world.

Posts in Greek
Why Are There Two Easters?

Growing up we celebrated TWO Easters: American Easter and Greek Easter. Wait…why are there two Easters? It’s complicated.

Tsee Who Must Be Obeyed

Even though my mom was born in NJ, like half a dozen of her cousins and her brother, the other kids were still called Americans. To differentiate them from the rest of us, the Greeks. Because we should be proud! Lucky for us she ruled the house and our lives with an iron fist!



Memorializing Ma

Grieving a lost loved one doesn’t end with the funeral. My mother is still a part of our family, even though she’s been gone for ten years. Greeks (and all Orthodox) continue to remember, pray for, and celebrate our departed family members. Find out why, and how, we hold memorials year after year. And like everything else, afterwards, we eat!

America & the War for Greek Independence

Ζη’τω η Ελλάδα!! Long live Greece!! March 25 is Greek Independence Day.

In th 1820s, American Philhellenes (φιλ-Ε΄λληνες)- friends of Greece - supported the Greek fight for liberty from 400 hundred years of Ottoman subjugation, despite the US governments non-intervention policy. “Greek Fire,” the passionate obsession with the war, swept through the US, rallying its people to the Greek cause. American citizens raised money for food, medical supplies, and arms.Young American men joined their European counterparts as soldiers fighting a war for liberty, including a diplomat’s son and an enslaved Black man who became heroes in the Greek War for Independence.

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Evzones 101

Greek Like Me Episode 6: Evzones 101

Evzones: Find out why they’re the coolest, bravest, best loved representation of everything Greece stands for. A primer on their history, from Homer’s well-girt warriors to brigands and rebels of the Ottoman Empire. Fighting for the freedom of Greece from Greek Independence to driving back Mussolini. And why DO they dress the way they do? The answer may surprise you.

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