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Greek Like Me

A podcast about all things Greek. History. Language. Lore. Culture. Food. Mythology. Family and more. From diners to the Ottoman Empire, from the history of baklava to Greek Independence. What it means to be Greek and how it shapes our world.

Posts tagged Greek
Look Greek

Greek Like Me Episode 2: Look Greek

A few of my favorite Greek stereotypes. We’re not all plate-throwing diner owners! What’s worse? Being stereotyped by non-Greeks or navigating the Greek Community when you don’t look Greek (I’m a Stealth Greek!) Polishing my “Kiss Me, I’m Greek” badge to cut through the confusion.

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http://www.stealthgreek.com for links to podcast, sources, fun links, photos, and more

Introducing Greek Like Me, a Stealth Greek Production

Get a taste of what’s coming in the trailer for Greek Like Me podcast, exploring the Greek American community and all things Greek. For Ellenes, Hellenophiles or anyone interested in learning about other cultures.  Host Pamela Diotes Wood addresses the difference between GRΣΣΚs and Greeks. (Hint, Σ = S, not E. Aren’t these people in college??!!)

Today I’ll introduce myself and you’ll find out: what’s with the Anglo surname; why the name Pamela is only Greekish; and why all the Greeks think Pamela is my “American” name.

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http://www.stealthgreek.com for links to podcast, sources, fun links, photos, and more