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Greek Like Me

A podcast about all things Greek. History. Language. Lore. Culture. Food. Mythology. Family and more. From diners to the Ottoman Empire, from the history of baklava to Greek Independence. What it means to be Greek and how it shapes our world.

Asa Jennings & The Greek Genocide of Asia Minor, Part 1

600 years of brutal persecution by Turkish oppressors culminated in the Greek Genocide of Asia Minor. We’ll talk historical context and introduce Asa Jennings, the humble American who said “Enough!”

The Ecclesiastical New Year

Why is September 1 a big deal for Orthodox Christians? We explore the purpose and history of the Ecclesiastical New Year, St. Symeón the Stylite, and the Green Patriarch.

Patriarchal Encyclical For the Indiction Published 8/27/20

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartolomeo chants "Φως ιλαρόν" Joyous Light

What is the Ecclesiastical New Year?

Mómos, the Greek god of Mockery

Mómos, Greek god of mockery, blame, scathing criticism and satire. How the Joan Rivers of Mt. Olympus became a vessel for social criticism and rebellion throughout time.

The Sacred Band of Thebes

Happy Pride! The embodiment of gay pride in 4th century BCE was the Sacred Band of Thebes - an elite fighting unit made up of 150 pairs of male lovers. Their love-bond was considered a source of moral virtue and military strength as they battled tyrants in the name of Greek freedom.

Homer, Ancient Greece, and the Father of Archaeology with Thaao Penghlis

Join us for an intriguing conversation with Thaao Penghlis about the quest for Priam’s treasure, the Lion Gate at Mycenae and the lost tomb of Alexander the Great. We’ll talk about his travels. And his podcast, Thaao Penghlis’s The Lost Treasures, when he follows the path of 19th century Homer fanboy Heinrich Schliemann in his hunt to prove that the people and places of the Illiad were real.

Thaao Penghlis's The Lost Treasures Episode 1

Parthenon by Costa-Gavras