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Greek Like Me

A podcast about all things Greek. History. Language. Lore. Culture. Food. Mythology. Family and more. From diners to the Ottoman Empire, from the history of baklava to Greek Independence. What it means to be Greek and how it shapes our world.

Posts in Demons
The Restless Dead: Ghosts of Ancient Greece

Join us for an episode of restless dead, vengeful wraiths, protective spirits, and ghosts summoned to serve the living.

Mómos, the Greek god of Mockery

Mómos, Greek god of mockery, blame, scathing criticism and satire. How the Joan Rivers of Mt. Olympus became a vessel for social criticism and rebellion throughout time.

Kalikántzaroi: The Christmas Goblins of Greece

Once, the Twelve Days of Christmas didn’t mean turtledoves and gold rings to the Greeks, but hordes of vicious goblins causing mayhem. We’ll explore the history of the kalikántzaroi, and how to protect yourself during the most wonderful - and scariest - time of the year.


Greek Christmas Trolls: Kallikántzaroi

Λάχανα και Χάχανα - Καλικάντζαροι | Official Music Video


Closing music: Kalikantzari (feat. Pediki Horodia Spirou Lambrou), from Hristougenniatika Lahana Ke Hahana; Hahana Kids & Tassos Ioannides