Orpheus and Eurydice A tragic tale of a love lost, and one man’s heroic effort to use the only weapon he has to persuade the Lord of Death to give her back: his music. Artist Tristan MacDougallTristan on InstagramAnderson Gallery - BSUSiren artwork - Britannica Ancient Greece, Archaeology, culture, Dionysus, Ghosts, Greek, Greek gods, Greek heroes, heroes, Mt. Olympus, mythology, rituals, Apollo, Love lostPamela Diotes WoodFebruary 13, 2025#orpheusandeurydice, #orpheus, #eurydice, #hades, #lordofdeath, #orphism, #sirens, #argonautika, #theninemuses, #apollo, #dionysius, #oracles, #greekmythology, #greek, #art, #maenads, #greekcultureComment
The Restless Dead: Ghosts of Ancient Greece Join us for an episode of restless dead, vengeful wraiths, protective spirits, and ghosts summoned to serve the living. Ancient Greece, Athens, culture, Demons, ethnic, Greek, Greek heroes, history, Homer, mythology, rituals, The Trojan War, Ghosts, Hauntings, Funeral Rites, The Restless DeadPamela Diotes WoodOctober 31, 2024#restlessdead, #ghosts, #ancientgreece, #funeralrites, #homer, #theiliad, #theodyssey, #hauntings, #greekhistory, #greekculture, #ethnic, #greeklikemeComment