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Greek Like Me

A podcast about all things Greek. History. Language. Lore. Culture. Food. Mythology. Family and more. From diners to the Ottoman Empire, from the history of baklava to Greek Independence. What it means to be Greek and how it shapes our world.

Posts in food
Food Fight! Stuffed Grape Leaves

Where did stuffed grape leaves originate? Who started the ancient fad of rolling up food in leaves? it’s another food fight, as we investigate claims and age old recipes.

Mahlepi: A Treasured Spice
This & That: What's on Our Minds This Week

Podcasting, Cats, and how you are not even Greek if you don’t have some representation of the Parthenon on your wall.

Travels in Greece

We’re back after a 2 week hiatus with an episode about finally getting to the mother country! We’re sharing a few highlights and what we learned on our trip to make travel around Athens and a few of the islands easier.

Bonus Greek phrase: Χάσαμε το λεοφορείo! (Hà-sa-meh toh lay-o-for-ee-o)We missed the bus!!