Where did stuffed grape leaves originate? Who started the ancient fad of rolling up food in leaves? it’s another food fight, as we investigate claims and age old recipes.
Greek Like Me Episode 3: The story of baklava
Dozens of countries have been feeding their families baklava for generations. Everybody wants to claim it. But who first put together this delicious amalgam of phyllo, nuts, and honey? We take a deep dive into the history of everybody’s favorite Greek dessert. Or is it Turkish? Or is it Persian? Join us for this international food fight as we make the call once and for all.
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Links for the Story of Baklava:
How Phyllo Is Handmade By One Of Greece's Last Pastry Masters | Still Standing
Legendary Syrian Baklava | How Its Made?
World's Oldest Baklava Producer Since 1887. Even Nusret Gets Their Baklava From Here | Imam Çağdaş
Traditional Azerbaijani Hazelnut Baklava | Outdoor Cooking