
Asa Jennings & The Greek Genocide of Asia Minor, Part 1

 Asa Jennings & The Greek Genocide of Asia Minor, Part 1

Three photos of Asia Minor Catastrophe courtesy of Greek Genocide Resource Center


Smyrna: September 1922 by Lou Ureneck, ECCO/Harper Collins,  NY NY, 2015

Paradise Lost: Smyrna 1922 by Giles Milton, John Murray, London, 2009

The blight of Asia : an account of the systematic extermination of Christian populations by Mohammedans and of the culpability of certain great powers, with the true story of the burning of Smyrna /
by George Horton, Indianapolis : Bobbs-Merrill, c1926. 

“14 September: Day of Remembrance of Genocide of Greeks of Asia Minor by Turkish State,” Orthodox Times, Sep 14, 2021,

Greek Genocide Resource Center 

“National Remembrance Day for the Genocide of the Greeks of Asia Minor”  by Andriana Simos, The Greek Herald, 14 / 09 / 2020

“The Smyrna Holocaust: September 1922,”

“Remembering Chrysostomos: A Modern Day Martyr,” by Stavros Stavridis, THE ASIA MINOR AND PONTOS HELLENIC RESEARCH CENTER,

“The Epic Story of How the Turks Migrated From Central Asia to Turkey,” By Akhilesh Pillalamarri, The Diplomat, June 05, 2016

“Brutal Murder of Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Smyrna Still Haunts Greece,” By Tasos Kokkinidis, Greek Reporter, September 13, 2023

“A Failed Minister Who Saved 250,000 Christians,” by Joel Brown, BU Today, May 2015, Boston University

“Turkic peoples' road to Islam,” BY EKREM BUĞRA EKINCI, Daily Sabah, ISTANBUL JUN 30, 2017

“THE GREEKS OF ASIA MINOR” National Hellenic Museum, Chicago, IL 

Hellenism of Asia Minor and Pontus: A Teaching Guide, Edited by E. Dionesotes Woodlock, Published by The Asia Minor and Pontos Hellenic Research Center, Inc. Bloomingdale, IL, 2014