



Karagiózis: Culture and Comedy in Greek Puppet Theater,” by Linda S. Myrsiades and Kostas Myrsiades, University Press of Kentucky, 1992

“Travels through the Morea, Albania, and other parts of the Ottoman empire to Constaninople, during the years 1798, 1799, 1800, and 1801 …"  by F. C. H. L. Pouqueville ...Tr. from the French, Published 1806. Find on Hathi Trust, https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=hvd.32044033055534&seq=5

A series of publications referred to as Recollections of a long life by Lord Broughton (John Cam Hobhouse) with additional extracts from his private diaries. Ed. by his daughter, Lady Dorchester. With protraits v.3, Published in 1910, as well as correspondence between Hobhouse and Lord Byron, are available on hathitrust.org


“Karagiózis: The Puppet that Entertained Generations of Greek Children, by Bella Kontogianni, July 31, 2023, Greek Reporter, https://greekreporter.com/2023/07/31/karagiozis-puppet-greece-greekhistory/

“The magic of traditional Greek shadow theatre,” Athens News Agency, https://photius.com/thus/karagiozis.html

“Karagiózis: A Greek Superhero With Human Qualities,” by Maria Paravantes, March 9, 2023, https://www.thegreekvibe.com/karagiozis-a-greek-superhero-with-human-qualities/

“Karaghiozis Shadow Theater,” Matt Barret’s athenesguide.com, https://www.athensguide.com/art/karagiozis/

“What is the Karagiozis Puppet Theatre?” posted by Stella Oct 13, 2020, https://craftytheatre.wordpress.com/2020/10/13/what-is-the-karagiozis-puppet-theatre/

“The Main Characters In The Greek Shadow Theatre,” The Karagiozis Museum, https://karagiozismuseum.gr/en/the-main-characters-in-the-greek-shadow-theatre/

“Karagiozis,” Hellenic Foundation for Culture,” https://hfc-worldwide.org/blog/2015/01/13/karagiozis/

“Karaghiozis,” World Encyclopedia of Puppetry Arts, https://wepa.unima.org/en/karaghiozis/

“Spathario Museum of Shadow Puppet Theatre,” thisisathens.org, https://www.thisisathens.org/museums/spathario-museum-shadow-theatre

“Karagiozis and the Golden Fleecing,” March 26, 2021, Antipodean Odyssey, https://antipodeanodyssey.wordpress.com/2021/03/26/karagiozis-and-the-golden-fleecing/

“Travels through the Morea, Albania, and other parts of the Ottoman empire to Constaninople, during the years 1798, 1799, 1800, and 1801 …"  by F. C. H. L. Pouqueville ...Tr. from the French, Published 1806. Find on Hathi Trust, https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=hvd.32044033055534&seq=5

A series of publications referred to as Recollections of a long life by Lord Broughton (John Cam Hobhouse) with additional extracts from his private diaries. Ed. by his daughter, Lady Dorchester. With protraits v.3, Published in 1910, as well as correspondence between Hobhouse and Lord Byron, are available on hathitrust.org

“John Cam Hobhouse, Baron Broughton, British politician,” Brittanica, https://www.britannica.com/biography/John-Cam-Hobhouse-Baron-Broughton-de-Gyfford