
Ecclesiastical New Year

 Ecclesiastical New Year

Thank you @liveorthodoxy for sharing images of icons celebrating creation

“Ecclesiastical New Year,” Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, https://www.goarch.org/chapel/saints?contentid=188

“Happy New Year?” By Steven Christoforou, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, https://blogs.goarch.org/blog/-/blogs/happy-new-year-

“The Ecclesiastical New Year in the Orthodox Church: What is the Ecclesiastical New Year and why is it celebrated September 1?” by BENJAMIN CABE, Sep 01, 2023, Theoria: Orthodox Christian Faith and Culture, https://theoriatv.substack.com/p/the-ecclesiastical-new-year-in-the

“Why Orthodox Christians Celebrate The New Year on the First of September,” by Vincent Gabriel, 2015, Православие.Ru., https://pravoslavie.ru/81756.html

“September 1: Ecclesiastical New Year (Beginning of the Indiction),” Greek Orthodox Archdiocese Of Canada, https://goarchdiocese.ca/ecclesiastical-new-year-beginning-of-the-indiction-2/

Orthodox Saints, Vol. 3, by George Poulos, Holy Cross Orthodox Press, Brookline, Mass, 1991.

“The Month of September in the Orthodox Church,” By John Sanidopoulos, September 1, 2018, Orthodox Christianity Then And Now, https://www.johnsanidopoulos.com/2018/09/the-month-of-september-in-orthodox.html

“Church New Year: September 1 is the often overlooked beginning of the Church's New Year,” Monastery of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk, https://sttikhonsmonastery.org/news_140831_1

“Orthodox Church Year Begins with Call to Take Action for Creation,” Season of Creation, https://seasonofcreation.org/2020/08/31/30103/

“Liturgical Year,” by Fr. Geoff Harvey, 24/02/2007, The Good Shepherd Orthodox Church, https://www.thegoodshepherd.org.au/liturgical-year

“Happy (Ecclesiastical) New Year!” By Evagelos Sotiropoulos, Aug 29, 2014, HuffPost, https://www.huffpost.com/entry/happy-ecclesiastical-new-year_b_5737468

“FUN FACT: It is the Orthodox Church’s New Year!” Archdiocese of Thyateira & Great Britain, https://www.thyateira.org.uk/archdiocese/youth/weekly-meditations/fun-fact-it-is-the-orthodox-churchs-new-year/

“Synaxis of Panagia Pammakaristos in Constantinople,” Orthodox Christianity Then and Now, https://www.johnsanidopoulos.com/2015/09/synaxis-of-panagia-pammakaristos-of.html

“The Mishnah,” ReformJudaism.org: Jewish Life in Your Life, https://reformjudaism.org/learning/sacred-texts/mishnah

“The Beginning of the Church’s Year,” St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church, McKinney TX, https://new.orthodox.net/menaion-september/01-beginning-of-the-churchs-year.html

“Is There a Biblical Significance to Age 30?” By Daniel Stegeman, June 13,2013, Shepherd the Flock, https://pastoral-theology.com/2013/06/13/is-there-a-biblical-significance-to-age-30/#:~:text=– Ezekiel was called by God,(Luke 3:23).

“I'm turning 30 - and it's bearable,” by Daniel Sugarman, August 22, 2019, The Jewish Chronicle, https://www.thejc.com/life-and-culture/im-turning-30-and-its-bearable-vnfvpvns